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    ترجمة المواضيع - Translation of topics

    السبت، 16 ديسمبر 2017

    تحميل WinRar Password Remover بنسختيه القديمة والحديثة بالتفعيل لإستخراج ملفات الوينرار المحمية

    شاهد الموضوع

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    أقدم إليكم أحبائى الكرام


    WinRar Password Remover

    برنامج WinRar Password Remover هو برنامج مخصص للملفات المضغوطة ببرنامج ال WinRAR وهو يعمل على استخراج او ازالة او فتح الملفات المحمية بكلمة السر او التي تم نسيان كلمت سرها

    How does this work? WinRar doesn’t lock you out after you have tried the wrong password a few times. This tries tons of passwords in no time until it figures it out. It has three different approaches you can use. I don’t understand them all but the above describes it best.

    RAR Password Recovery is a powerful tool to recover lost (forgotten) passwords for a RAR/WinRar archives. The program supports the Brute-Force attack, dictionary-based attack and dramatically fastest “Booost-Up” attack. The program is able to resume the previous interrupted attack.
    Here is a brief list of RAR Password Recovery advantages:
    1. Recovers passwords for a RAR/WinRAR archives using combination of Brute-Force, Booost-Up or Dictionary attacks.
    2. Very high speed of work (more than 3000 passwords per second in Brute-Force mode and up to 22000 passwords per second in Booost-Up mode).
    3. Customizability.
    3. Advanced heuristic processor.
    4. User-friendly interface.
    5. Large wordlist dictionary.
    6. Ability to work in the background.
    7. Autosave feature.


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